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Which analyser is right for me?

To choose the correct analyser for your application, please take a look at the selection guide below.

What is your application?
Scrap Metal

Niton analysers provides the scrap metal recycler with the information necessary to make quick, confident decisions on material purchases, and the speed of throughput necessary to quickly sort large volumes of materials and take advantage of sales opportunities.

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Positive Material Identification

Since their introduction in 1998, Niton analysers have become the industry choice for Positive Material Identification and material testing. A combination of performance, portability, ease of use, and unparalleled attention to customer needs has made Niton the number one supplier of Positive Material Identification instrumentation. This attention to customer needs is the driving force behind the design of all our instruments.

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Precious Metals

Niton precious metals testing instruments are ideal for precious metals testing, analysis, recovery and recycling. They have rapidly built a reputation in the precious metals sector as valuable tools for precious metals analysis and precious metal recovery and recycling.

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Handheld XRF coatings analysis offers metal finishers the advantage of non-destructive testing, eliminating the time-consuming process of cutting samples and sending them to the laboratory for analysis. Both single layer and multilayer coatings can be analysed.


Niton analysers are versatile environmental testing instruments that provide valuable assistance in portable soil testing applications such as brownfield site investigation. With the ability to analyse a wide range of materials, our instruments provide lab-quality soil/sediment chemistry in seconds.

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Mining & Exploration

A Niton instrument can prove a valuable item of mining equipment, providing handheld ore-grade assessment, helping to manage blasting, excavation, and hauling activities, optimising the site blend provided to the concentrator, and preventing grade dilution or the erroneous transport of ore to the waste dump.

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Lead in Paint

Niton analysers facilitate direct surface testing for lead paint, testing for lead in dust wipes from surfaces, testing the lead content of soil in the surrounding area (containment) and the testing of lead content in filters from respirators or volume air samplers for worker/public protection.

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Consumer Goods

Handheld Niton analysers provide quick and easy screening of toys and other consumer goods for lead, cadmium, mercury and other toxic metals. Importers, brand owners and retailers can implement a standardised inspection protocol for incoming shipments to verify compliance, while simultaneously requiring supply chain documentation based on empirical testing.

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Legislation such as RoHS, WEEE, EN71, etc, restricts the amounts of lead, mercury, cadmium and other elements allowable in electrical and electronic equipment and consumer products. Niton instruments provide an ideal means of testing equipment for compliance.

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Recycling of plastics, carpeting and other polymer materials is increasing as more of these products are being recovered, recycled and reused by consumers and recycling facilities. Post-industrial and post-consumer materials need to be accurately identified and sorted to achieve high quality reprocessed material.

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Detecting asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in homes and commercial buildings prior to demolition or renovation is critical to prevent asbestos exposure. Currently, asbestos detection is limited to accredited lab-based analysis such as polarised light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction. 

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